I have tried to run Nota Bene with winecfg set to Win 2000, XP and 2003 and all return the wrong version error.

Here is the terminal output:

don@don-ubuntu:~$ cd .wine/drive_c/NBWin
don@don-ubuntu:~/.wine/drive_c/NBWin$ wine notabene.exe
don@don-ubuntu:~/.wine/drive_c/NBWin$ fixme:ole:OaBuildVersion16 If you get version error messages, please report them
fixme:ole:OaBuildVersion16 Version value not known yet. Please investigate it!

A trial version of NotaBene can be downloaded here:


On 6/12/07, Wine Bugs <wine-bugs@winehq.org> wrote:


vitaliy@kievinfo.com changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
           Severity|major                       |normal
          Component|wine-loader                 |wine-ole
           Priority|P1                          |P2

------- Additional Comments From vitaliy@kievinfo.com  2007-12-06 17:07 -------
What win version did you set in winecfg? Please attach complete terminal output
when running the program. Also provide link to the demo version (if there is one

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