2010/8/4 André Hentschel <nerv@dawncrow.de>
what is the best/easiest/fastest way to hack Wine so it does not start winedbg and i can debug it with gdb?
my problem is that my WineARM works so far that it tries to run winedbg and uses its own handlers. but i want that not to happen
of course it crashes somewhere and then tries to start winedbg... but winedbg is not really implemented yet on arm and its not yet time for it. i just want to debug on assembler level with gdb...
"winedbg --gdb" is also not what i want.
So my understanding is that Wine somewhere register its exception handlers, but i cant find that code to disable it. Anyone?
winedbg is set as the debugger in the registry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug
Debugger="winedbg --auto %ld %ld"
You should be able to disable it by setting the value Auto=0, or you could change the Debugger to use gdb.