Perhaps the resason that you didn't receive a lot of feedback on the
Wine Users Guide is that it is very well written. Nevertheless I have
found a few details that might be better explained:
1.2.3 Wine capabilities
[1] Today VMware server is free software and you can easily manage a
Windows system on a VMware virtual machine. However this does not solve
the problem with having to maintain/support two differnt operating
systems (quite time consuming...). There is also the commercial
software 2X application server and 2X application server
client (2X.com) with which windows applications can be run on
Linux in single windows using Windows Terminal services. The above 2X
software is free up to 5 server connections, for more you have to pay a
license fee. So far it is quite beta-style but eventually it might be
very good... Windows terminal services is available in Win XP prof, Win
2000 Server and Win 2003 Server (don't know about Vista).
2.2. Getting a Wine package
I think you should mention Ubuntu - thera are packages for Ubuntu
avaialable on sourceforge.net Wine download page.
That was all for the first 4 chapters - perhaps I'll come back with
more feedback later.
Torsten Hammarstedt