
StretchBlt/StretchDIBits operation doesn't appear to be getting done in
hardware.  In fact performance is slightly improved if I scale the image
prior myself and call BitBlt/SetDiBitsToDevice.

If I'm correct in my understanding of the x11drv source code (bitblt.c) it
appears to be scaling it in software and sending this image to the hardware
using XPutImage - only looked briefly.  Scaling it myself might be quicker
because wine is having to prepare buffers for the scaling it itself each time.

Is anyone aware of this problem or am I misinterpreting the problem.  If
this is what's happening, is there an equivalent to XPutImage that requests
that the stretching operation be done in the graphics hardware which is going
to be considerably faster and almost instantaneous I would guess.

I noticed that painting very large dialogs can be slow - might this be
caused by the same thing?

