On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 3:21 PM, Austin English <austinenglish@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 4:18 AM, Tom Wickline <twickline@gmail.com> wrote:
> Scott posted about Wineconf 2009 on his blog :)
> I have shamelessly reposted it to my site with a link back to his original
> post.
> A brief summary of Wineconf 2009 by Scott Ritchie :
> http://www.wine-reviews.net/wine-reviews/news/a-brief-summary-of-wineconf-2009-by-scott-ritchie.html

Very good summary, but it was missing a bit, at least, I noticed the
CxTest presentation was missing (and my impromptu talk about
Appinstall). I wasn't too worried about bringing it up, but with the
big push to do more gui testing, figured it should be mentioned...


Can you write up a summery of what you think is missing?,  the CxTest presentation
and your presentation / talk about Appinstall isn't on the wiki page as well.  What other presentations
were given? and the speaker? anyone have any PPT slides or PDF files they want to share?

I can edit my post and revise it with the new information, so others who couldn't make it to the
conference can know more about what actually took place at Wineconf 2009
