2014-05-02 21:10 GMT+08:00 Piotr Caban <piotr.caban@gmail.com>:
On 05/02/14 14:10, Piotr Caban wrote:
On 05/02/14 06:22, Shuai Meng wrote:

   added more tests on object;
   changed the implemention of some tests that caused "Err.number = 0"
   rearranged the order of tests
  dlls/vbscript/global.c      | 41 ++++++++++-------------------------
  dlls/vbscript/tests/api.vbs | 53
  2 files changed, 65 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

The tests are failing on wine on polish locale:

LC_ALL=pl_PL make test
../../../tools/runtest -q -P wine -T ../../.. -M vbscript.dll -p
vbscript_test.exe.so run && touch run.ok
fixme:thread:GetThreadUILanguage : stub, returning default language.
run.c:2102: Tests skipped: Skipping some tests in non-English locale
fixme:vbscript:parse_script parser failed around L"<!--"
fixme:vbscript:do_icall L"y" not found
fixme:vbscript:DispatchEx_InvokeEx no letter/setter
run.c:1917: Test failed: expected global_success_d
run.c:1918: Test failed: expected global_success_i
run.c:1920: Test failed: parse_script failed: 800a000d
(0x7e2462ec)->({342d1ea0-ae25-11d1-89c5-006008c3fbfc} 0x33f7b0)
(0x130a88)->({fc4801a3-2ba9-11cf-a229-00aa003d7352} 0x33f74c)
fixme:vbscript:interp_enumnext uninitialized
fixme:vbscript:interp_newenum Unsupported for {VT_EMPTY}
fixme:vbscript:interp_enumnext uninitialized
fixme:vbscript:show_msgbox failed: 80004005
fixme:vbscript:show_msgbox blocked
make: *** [run.ok] Błąd 3
The tests are also failing on windows with polish locale. It's caused by different decimal separator. Please disable this tests on non-english locale:
Call ok(CBool("0.1") = True, "CBool(""0.1"") = " & CBool("0.1"))
Call ok(getVT(CBool("0.1")) = "VT_BOOL", "getVT(CBool(""0.1"")) = " & getVT(CBool("0.1")))

Also it turns out that "Prawda" string (True translated to polish) is working on windows with polish locale. This means that you were right using VARIANT_LOCALBOOL flag in VariantChangeType. Sorry for that.

I have done  the things above, anythings else to be noticed?  If not, I will resend this patch after testing it.