Hi Akihiro,

The patch looks mostly good now, thanks. I have a few minor comments.

On 20.04.2017 13:58, Akihiro Sagawa wrote:
+struct schan_alg_id_name {
+    ALG_ID alg_id;
+    const char* name;
+    const WCHAR *nameW;

Using an array here like const WCHAR nameW[8]; would make later initialization nicer by not requiring multiple string variables.

+static int comp_alg_id(const void *a, const void *b)
+    const struct schan_alg_id_name *lhs = a;
+    const struct schan_alg_id_name *rhs = b;
+    return (int)lhs->alg_id - (int)rhs->alg_id;
+static void* get_alg_name(ALG_ID id, BOOL wide)
+    static const WCHAR ecdsaW[] = {'E','C','D','S','A',0};
+    static const WCHAR rsaW[] = {'R','S','A',0};
+    static const WCHAR desW[] = {'D','E','S',0};
+    static const WCHAR rc2W[] = {'R','C','2',0};
+    static const WCHAR triple_desW[] = {'3','D','E','S',0};
+    static const WCHAR aesW[] = {'A','E','S',0};
+    static const WCHAR rc4W[] = {'R','C','4',0};
+    static const struct schan_alg_id_name alg_name_map[] = {
+        { CALG_ECDSA,      "ECDSA", ecdsaW },
+        { CALG_RSA_SIGN,   "RSA",   rsaW },
+        { CALG_DES,        "DES",   desW },
+        { CALG_RC2,        "RC2",   rc2W },
+        { CALG_3DES,       "3DES",  triple_desW },
+        { CALG_AES_128,    "AES",   aesW },
+        { CALG_AES_192,    "AES",   aesW },
+        { CALG_AES_256,    "AES",   aesW },
+        { CALG_RC4,        "RC4",   rc4W },
+    };
+    const struct schan_alg_id_name *res;
+    struct schan_alg_id_name key;
+    key.alg_id = id;
+    res = bsearch(&key, alg_name_map,
+                  sizeof(alg_name_map)/sizeof(alg_name_map[0]), sizeof(alg_name_map[0]),
+                  comp_alg_id);

You could use id directly as a key. You don't need it to be of schan_alg_id_name* type, the key may be just ALG_ID.
