Testing date: 2003/01/12 Windows '95 -------------- advapi32/registry ***application crash! dsound/dsound dsound.c:375: Test failed: DirectSoundCreate failed: 0x80004005 dsound: 95 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 1 failure gdi32/generated generated: 2786 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures kernel32/alloc alloc.c: 208: Test failed: GlobalReAlloc failed to convert FIXED to MOVEABLE: error=87 alloc.c 213: Test failed: Converting from FIXED to MOVEABLE didn't REALLY work alloc.c:238 Test failed: discarded memory we shouldn't have alloc.c:239: Test failed: GlobalUnlock Failed alloc: 58 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 4 failures. kernel32/atom atom.c:55:WARNING: Unicode atom APIs are not supported on this platform atom: 163850 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures. [What a large number] kernel32/codepage codepage: 2 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures. kernel32/directory directory: 25 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures. kernel32/drive drive: 80 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures. kernel32/environ environ: 19 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures. kernel32/file file.c:631: Test failed: WriteFile error 183 file.c:632: Test failed: expected number of bytes written 0 file.c:633:Current offset = 000 file.c:634: Test failed: expected file offset 21 file.c:639: Test failed: WriteFile error 87 file.c:640: Test failed: expected number of bytes written 9 file.c:642: Test failed: expected file offset 517 file.c:656: Test failed: ReadFile error 0 file.c:657: Test failed: expected number of bytes read 0 file.c:658:Current offset = 0000 file.c:659: Test failed: expected file offset21 file.c:661: Test failed: pattern match failed file: 487224 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 10 failures. [Another huge number] kernel32/format_msg format_msg: 58 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures. kernel32/generated generated: 609 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures. kernel32/locale locale.c:146: Test failed: GetTimeFormat got '08 AM' instead of '8 AM' locale.c:147: Test failed: GetTimeFormat: got 6 instead of 5 locale.c:163: Test failed: GetTimeFormat got '08:56 AM' instead of '8:56 AM' locale.c:164: Test failed: GetTimeFormat: got 9 instead of 8 locale.c:475: Test failed: GetDateFormat got '05/04/2002' instead of '5/4/02' locale.c:475: Test failed: GetDateFormat: got 11 instead of 7 locale: 105 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 6 failures. kernel32/path path: 1073 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures. kernel32/process process: 116 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures. kernel32/thread thread: 82 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures. msvcrt/file file: 2 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures. msvcrt/scanf scanf: 8 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures. netapi32/access access.c:174:It appears there is no netapi32 functionality on this platform access: 0 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures. netapi32/apibuf access.c:79:It appears there is no netapi32 functionality on this platform access: 0 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures. netapi32/wksta wksta.c:79:It appears there is no netapi32 functionality on this platform wksta: 0 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures. ntdll/error error: 0 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures. ntdll/generated generated: 1279 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures. ***ntdll/rtlbitmap*** [Shown in html source, but not displayed as table item by IE] rtlbitmap: 1 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures. ***ntdll/rtlstr*** [Shown in html source, but not displayed as table item by IE] rtlstr: 1 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures. ***oleaut32/safearray*** [Shown in html source, but not displayed as table item by IE] safearray: 934 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures. ***oleaut32/vartest*** [Shown in html source, but not displayed as table item by IE] vartest.c:1707: ======== Testing VarUI1FromXXX ======== vartest.c:1713:VarUI1FromI2: passing in NULL as return val makes it crash, need to write proper test. vartest.c:1797: ======== Testing VarUI2FromXXX ======== vartest.c:1802:VarUI2FromI2: passing in NULL as return val makes it crash, needs to be fixed. vartest.c:1873: ======== Testing VarUI4FromXXX ======== vartest.c:1876:VarUI4FromI2: passing in NULL as return val makes it crash, implement me. ======== Testing VarDateFromXXX ======== vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([7]="0.49") got 0.0340278 instead of 0.034028 vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([8]="0.5") got 0.00347222 instead of 0.003472 vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([9]="0.51") got 0.0354167 instead of 0.035417 vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([34]=" 1 2 ") got 37623 instead of 35797 vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([39]="1.2.3") got 0.0430903 instead of 0.04309 vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([69]=" 1999/ 11/21 11 :11:11am") got 36485.5 instead of 36485.5 vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([70]="11/11/1999 11:11:11Am") got 36475.5 instead of 36475.5 vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([71]="11/11/1999 11:11:11PM") got 36476 instead of 36476 vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([73]="11/11/1999 0:0:11am") got 36475 instead of 36475 vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([75]="11/11/1999 11:11:11am") got 36475.5 instead of 36475.5 vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([77]="11/11/1999 11:11AM") got 36475.5 instead of 36475.5 vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([78]="11/11/1999 1AM") got 36475 instead of 36475 vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([80]="11/11/1999 11:11:11") got 36475.5 instead of 36475.5 vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([89]="1 January 1999 11AM") got 36161.5 instead of 36161.5 vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([90]="4AM 11/11/1999") got 36475.2 instead of 36475.2 vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([109]="1.5") got 0.0451389 instead of 0.045139 vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([110]="2.5") got 0.0868056 instead of 0.086806 vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([111]="3.5") got 0.128472 instead of 0.128472 vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([112]="4.5") got 0.170139 instead of 0.170139 vartest.c:2223: ======== Testing VarBSTRFromXXX ======== vartest.c:2308: Test failed: d is 7.65432e+015, should be cvt. to 7.65432198765432e+15, but return val is "7.65432198765432E+15" vartest.c:2315: Test failed: d is -7.65432e+015, should be cvt. to -7.65432198765432e+15, but return val is "-7.65432198765432E+15" vartest.c:2308: Test failed: d is 8.76543e+016, should be cvt. to 8.76543219876543e+16, but return val is "8.76543219876543E+16" vartest.c:2315: Test failed: d is -8.76543e+016, should be cvt. to -8.76543219876543e+16, but return val is "-8.76543219876543E+16" vartest.c:2308: Test failed: d is 9.87654e+017, should be cvt. to 9.87654321987654e+17, but return val is "9.87654321987654E+17" vartest.c:2315: Test failed: d is -9.87654e+017, should be cvt. to -9.87654321987654e+17, but return val is "-9.87654321987654E+17" vartest.c:2308: Test failed: d is 1.98765e+018, should be cvt. to 1.98765432198765e+18, but return val is "1.98765432198765E+18" vartest.c:2315: Test failed: d is -1.98765e+018, should be cvt. to -1.98765432198765e+18, but return val is "-1.98765432198765E+18" vartest.c:2308: Test failed: d is 2.19877e+019, should be cvt. to 2.19876543219877e+19, but return val is "2.19876543219877E+19" vartest.c:2315: Test failed: d is -2.19877e+019, should be cvt. to -2.19876543219877e+19, but return val is "-2.19876543219877E+19" vartest.c:2359: Test failed: d is 7.65432e+015, should be cvt. to 7.65432198765432e+15, but return val is "7.65432198765432E+15" vartest.c:2365: Test failed: d is -7.65432e+015, should be cvt. to -7.65432198765432e+15, but return val is "-7.65432198765432E+15" vartest.c:2359: Test failed: d is 8.76543e+016, should be cvt. to 8.76543219876543e+16, but return val is "8.76543219876543E+16" vartest.c:2365: Test failed: d is -8.76543e+016, should be cvt. to -8.76543219876543e+16, but return val is "-8.76543219876543E+16" vartest.c:2359: Test failed: d is 9.87654e+017, should be cvt. to 9.87654321987654e+17, but return val is "9.87654321987654E+17" vartest.c:2365: Test failed: d is -9.87654e+017, should be cvt. to -9.87654321987654e+17, but return val is "-9.87654321987654E+17" vartest.c:2359: Test failed: d is 1.98765e+018, should be cvt. to 1.98765432198765e+18, but return val is "1.98765432198765E+18" vartest.c:2365: Test failed: d is -1.98765e+018, should be cvt. to -1.98765432198765e+18, but return val is "-1.98765432198765E+18" vartest.c:2359: Test failed: d is 2.19877e+019, should be cvt. to 2.19876543219877e+19, but return val is "2.19876543219877E+19" vartest.c:2365: Test failed: d is -2.19877e+019, should be cvt. to -2.19876543219877e+19, but return val is "-2.19876543219877E+19" vartest.c:2382: Test failed: d is 8.76543e+007, should be cvt. to 8.765432e+07, but return val is "8.765432E+07" vartest.c:2388: Test failed: d is -8.76543e+007, should be cvt. to -8.765432e+07, but return val is "-8.765432E+07" vartest.c:2382: Test failed: d is 9.87654e+008, should be cvt. to 9.876543e+08, but return val is "9.876543E+08" vartest.c:2388: Test failed: d is -9.87654e+008, should be cvt. to -9.876543e+08, but return val is "-9.876543E+08" vartest.c:2382: Test failed: d is 1.98765e+009, should be cvt. to 1.987654e+09, but return val is "1.987654E+09" vartest.c:2388: Test failed: d is -1.98765e+009, should be cvt. to -1.987654e+09, but return val is "-1.987654E+09" vartest.c:2408: Test failed: d is 0.2345, should be cvt. to 0.2345001, but return val is "0.2345" vartest.c:2432: Test failed: d is 654322, should be cvt. to 654322.2, but return val is "654322.3" vartest.c:2438: Test failed: d is -654322, should be cvt. to -654322.2, but return val is "-654322.3" vartest.c:2432: Test failed: d is 8.76543e+007, should be cvt. to 8.765432e+07, but return val is "8.765432E+07" vartest.c:2438: Test failed: d is -8.76543e+007, should be cvt. to -8.765432e+07, but return val is "-8.765432E+07" vartest.c:2432: Test failed: d is 9.87654e+008, should be cvt. to 9.876543e+08, but return val is "9.876543E+08" vartest.c:2438: Test failed: d is -9.87654e+008, should be cvt. to -9.876543e+08, but return val is "-9.876543E+08" vartest.c:2432: Test failed: d is 1.98765e+009, should be cvt. to 1.987654e+09, but return val is "1.987654E+09" vartest.c:2438: Test failed: d is -1.98765e+009, should be cvt. to -1.987654e+09, but return val is "-1.987654E+09" vartest.c:2457: Test failed: should be '1/2/1900 8:09:36 AM', but is "01/02/1900 08:09:36 AM" vartest.c:2463: Test failed: should be '2/20/1909 8:09:36 AM', but is "02/20/1909 08:09:36 AM" vartest.c:2475: Test failed: should be '12/30/1900 6:00:00 AM', but is "12/30/1900 06:00:00 AM" ======== Testing Hi-Level Variant API ======== vartest.c:2560: Test failed: should be 5/11/94 7:58:42 AM vartest.c:2578:-------------- Testing different VARTYPES ---------------- vartest: 2281 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 58 failures. ***rpcrt4/rpc*** [Shown in html source, but not displayed as table item by IE] rpc: 511 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures. shell32/generated generated: 272 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures. shell32/shlfileop shlfileop.c:177: Test failed: Can't rename many files shlfileop.c:185: Test failed: Can't rename many files shlfileop.c:286: Test failed: Files are copied to other directory shlfileop.c:287: Test failed: The file is copied shlfileop.c: 121 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 4 failures. shlwapi/clist clist: 236 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures. shlwapi/generated generated: 19 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures. shlwapi/shreg shreg.c:183: Test failed: (2) shreg.c:195: Test failed: (14,43) shreg.c:196: Test failed: (2) shreg.c:204: Test failed: Expected ERROR_MORE_DATA shreg.c:205: Test failed: (%FOO%\subdir1) shreg.c:206: Test failed: (%FOO%\subdir1) shreg.c:126: Test failed: () shreg.c:183: Test failed: (2) shreg.c:247: Test failed: didn't open source ***applicaton crash! urlmon/generated generated: 4 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures. user32/class class: 0 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures. user32/generated generated: 1524 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures. user32/sysparams ***'95 seizes up and requires reboot sysparams: ?? tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 114 failures. user32/win win.c:91:main window 00000580 main2 00000584 desktop 00000080 child 00000588 win.c:107:created child 0000058C win.c:120:created child of desktop 00000590 win.c:130:created child of child 00000594 win.c:140:created top-level 00000598 win.c:150:created owned top-level 0000059C win.c:160:created opup 000005A0 win.c:170:created owned opup 000005A4 win.c:180:created top-level owned by child 000005A8 win.c:186:created popup owned by desktop 000005AC win.c:192:created popup owned by child 000005B0 win.c:198:created WS_CHILD popup 000005B4 win.c:204:created owned WS_CHILD popup 000005B8 win.c:209:testing parent changes ***application crash!! user32/wsprintf wsprintf: 2 tests executed, 0 marked a todo, 0 failures wininet/generated generated: 252 tests executed, 0 marked a todo, 0 failures wininet/http http.c:132: Test failed: Syncronous HttpSendRequest returning 0 http: 16 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 1 failure. winmm/wave wave.c:182:found 3 WaveOut devices wave.c:206: 0: "Game Compatible Device" 4.0 (1:79): channels=2 formats=0fff suport=002c wave.c:220:Testing invalid 2MHz format wave.c229: Test failed: opening the device at 2MHz should fail 0: rc=3 wave.c:206: 1: "Voice Modem Wave#00 Line" 3.0 (1:71): channels=1 formats-8000 support=0000 wave.c:220:Testing invalid 2MHz format wae.c:206: 2: "ESS AudioDrive Playback (220)" 4.3 (46:25): channels=2 formats=0fff support=002c wave.c:220:Testing invalid 2MHz format wave: 203 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 1 failure ws2_32/sock A required .DLL file, WS2_32.DLL, was not found