>>   -- we're linking against ws2_32
>>      Is this DLL available on all versions of Windows we
>>      want to run on?
>As far I know
>yes.  But I am not sure whether it is installed in the base
>system or only an option if you want to have networking
>(like on Win3.1).  Probably not too many people would run
>the tests on a standalone machine anyway, but who knows...

I actually just ran into this the other night.  I installed
TaxCut 2003 (which, by the way, mostly works with a few native
DLL's) when it didn't like Wine's ws2_32.  According to the
references built into TaxCut this wasn't part of the original
Win95 that shipped.  It came out shortly after as an add-on and
was likely first included in OSR2.

Brian Vincent
Copper Mountain Telecom