On 8/27/05, Hiji <hijinio@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the link to the xml hack, it may come in
> useful one day.

Glad I could help; here are my comments to this thread
in wine-users:
"It might be the ugly way, but it is the official way.

This is definately *not* a Wine issue because it
affects any application which relies on have a static
name for the drive - let's make sure we're clear on
that. ;)  I suspect this "mounting by volume label"
won't last past Suse 9.3 since I haven't read anyone
praise this "feature" anywhere."

Have a great day! :)

Why can't SuSE create first, a mount point that corresponds with device, like  /dev/hdc and /mnt/hdc, and then when a disc is inserted create a /mnt/$DISKLABEL symlink to /mnt/hdc ?  Solves problems with apps that require a fixed path.    ....Oh, then no one will use the label!  That's why.  =p