2011/3/31 Matteo Bruni <matteo.mystral@gmail.com>
2011/3/31 David Adam <david.adam.cnrs@gmail.com>:
> +      /* Check the width */
> +        v1 = *((D3DXVECTOR3*)(data+19*num_bytes_per_vertex));
> +        v2 = *((D3DXVECTOR3*)(data+18*num_bytes_per_vertex));
> +        length = D3DXVec3Length(D3DXVec3Subtract(&v2,&v1,&v2));
> +        ok(fabs(length-10.0f)<admitted_error, "Width expected= 10.0, received %f\n", length);

This is not really different from the previous version: you are still
making assumptions about the vertex ordering (in this specific case,
you're assuming that vertices 18 and 19 have different X coordinate
but the same Y and Z coordinate values).

I have an application (Geoprofs) qui use the specific ordering of the vertex. So if we implement randomly the vertex, it will not work.

What I was proposing was something like this:

for (i = 0; i < num_vertices; i++)
   float *vertex_data = data + i * num_bytes_per_vertex;
   if (vertex_data[0] < xmin) xmin = vertex_data[0];
   if (vertex_data[0] > xmax) xmax = vertex_data[0];
   if (vertex_data[1] < ymin) ymin = vertex_data[1];
   if (vertex_data[1] > ymax) ymax = vertex_data[1];
   if (vertex_data[2] < zmin) zmin = vertex_data[2];
   if (vertex_data[2] > zmax) zmax = vertex_data[2];

and then proceed to check whether the minimum and maximum values you
got match the expected ones. This code snippet can certainly be
improved, it is only to show you what I meant.

Also, again, please try to fix the whitespaces...

People changed the original style of the file. So, Which one must I  keep ?

Thanks for your advices ;)

