Hello, before I break this patch up and submit a patchset, I'd like to inquire about a few things in this patch I have made.
The biggest question I have is how we want to process allocate_info without modifying what is passed in.
In order to copy the whole pNext chain or the unknown bits, we'd need a way to get the struct length given the sType. To do this we'd have to generate something in make_vulkan, but I'm not sure of the specifics (mostly where the helper would go).
Alternatively, we could try restoring the chain after it is finished, however this may not be thread safe, if the struct is being read in another thread.
Additionally, I'd like to know how to better organize the functions for creating/operating on gpu-resource objects. Right now they're in ntdll's misc.c, so that I can use some ntdll internal functions, but maybe we should have a separate file for this.
If any of you want to play around with this patch, Joshua Ashton (d9vk creator) made a few patches on DXVK that implement D3D shared resources using this extension and files, and modified a D3D example to use shared resources, which is what I've been using to test my implementation:
D3D11 binary attached (Joshua didn't send me source)
Note: Make sure to reset to HEAD~1 then build, as I think the latest commit is broken. Also, replace VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_D3D11_TEXTURE_(+KMT_)BIT with VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_OPAQUE_WIN32_(+KMT_)BIT. Also, this branch only compiles with MSVC. Alternatively, I'll attach the binaries to this email.
Note 2: Make sure to use native d3dcompiler_47