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Martell Malone <martellmalone@gmail.com>Date: Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 7:12 PM
Subject: Re: Add d3d11_CreateDeviceAndSwapChain
To: Stefan Dösinger <
Whoops that sent without my comments
In the d3d code we use use 8 byte extran indentation for continued lines:
void function()
<4> FIXME("bla long text bla\n",
<4> <8> param1, param2);
I have sent an updated patch to reflect this.
I'm curious, does this improve the behavior of some application? E.g.
game X now falls back to d3d9 without crashing due to the stub?
My main focus for writing this was for the mingw-w64 project that imports the headers and libs from wine.
We were just casually missing 1 of the 3 most important functions so I sent in this patch :)
There are 2 ways to create a device and swapchain however. You can do them seperatly or this function does them both at once.
I assume that this returns the correct error like CreateDevice so that if the application has a fallback it can use it.
So thats highly possible.
Kind Regards