On 08/04/2010 12:29 PM, Alexandre Julliard wrote:
You can't use Wine exception macros in tests.

I guess my patch [1] was rejected for the same reason but then how to handle it ?

The test only crashes on NT4 but is needed because some programs use a NULL descriptor [2]

I'm not allowed to check the windows version the test is currently running on.
And I can't use __TRY on tests.

Any idea how I could handle that case ?
[1] : http://source.winehq.org/patches/data/64667
[2] : relevant +relay log
001f:Call advapi32.GetNamedSecurityInfoA(0064e3bc "C:\\Program Files\\Typing Pal
 5\\Games",00000001,00000004,00000000,00000000,0064e3a4,00000000,00000000) ret=1
001f:Ret  advapi32.GetNamedSecurityInfoA() retval=00000057 ret=100013c8
001f:Call KERNEL32.GetLastError() ret=100013d2
001f:Ret  KERNEL32.GetLastError() retval=00000578 ret=100013d2
001f:Call shlwapi.wvnsprintfA(0064df54,00000400,100023e8 "Cannot read access control list.\r\nError code: %d",0064e36c) ret=100010dc
001f:Ret  shlwapi.wvnsprintfA() retval=00000032 ret=100010dc
001f:Call user32.MessageBoxA(00010064,0064df54 "Cannot read access control list.\r\nError code: 1400",00000000,00040010) ret=100010f6