Folks, I've been trying to make a bunch of control panel applets for wine for some time now.
a CPL is basically a DLL which (the most importnat part) exports a function called "CPlApplet"; Without it, the cpl isn't worth a thing. It is the presence of that export which basically identifies it as a control panel applet.
Indeed, opening a random .cpl with dllexp yields:
Function: CPlApplet Address: 0x0041b604 Relative Address: 0x0041b604 Ordinal 1 (0x1) Filename: intl.cpl
This one is from the cpl I wrote some time ago in Delphi, and it's the same with all other 'doze cpls. I'm working on porting it to C and wine, but that export is really getting the best of me.
However, dllexp doesn't detect _any_ DLL exports in wine's .dlls, so I'm stuck without a template :( Am I missing something? (A simple *hello world* dll source that compiles against wine's source and exports ANY function would be greatly appreciated)
Thanks in advance,