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vkd3d has been updated to 1.11
For a full list of changes, please follow the link below.

NOTE: Upstream Wine was updated to this version as well. We have continued
with keeping wine-staging to latest vkd3d.

Summary since last release
* Rebased to current wine 9.4 (462 patches are applied to wine vanilla)

Upstreamed (Either directly from staging or fixed with a similar patch).
* shell32: Implement NewMenu with new folder item.
* shell32: Implement insert/paste for item context menus.
* shell32: Recognize cut/copy/paste string verbs in item menu - context menu.
* shell32: Implement the "runas" verb.
* shell32: Add support for setting/getting PREFERREDDROPEFFECT in IDataObject.
* shell32: Add parameter to ISFHelper::DeleteItems to allow deleting files without confirmation.
* shell32: Remove source files when using cut in the context menu.
* wine.inf: Add 'New' context menu handler entry for directories.
* msi: Do not sign extend after multiplying.
* wine.inf: Set the EnableLUA value to 1.
* msi: Create the custom action server as an elevated process.
* ntdll: Implement process token elevation through manifests.
* ntdll: Always start the initial process through start.exe.
* ntdll: Elevate processes if requested in RtlCreateUserProcess().
* user32: Start explorer.exe using limited rights.
* programs/runas: Basic implementation for starting processes with a different trustlevel.
* server: Create processes using a limited administrator token by default.
* kernelbase: Elevate processes if requested in CreateProcessInternal().

Removed (No longer required).
* server-File_Permissions
* mscoree-CorValidateImage (Fixed uptream already).

* None.

* vkd3d-latest
* kernel32-CopyFileEx
* ntdll-Junction_Points
* user32-rawinput-mouse

Where can you help
* Run Steam/
* Test your favorite game.
* Test your favorite applications.
* Improve staging patches and get them accepted upstream.
* Suggest patches to be included in staging.

As always, if you find a bug, please report it via

Best Regards