
With this patch, the behavior of the Copies section of the print
dialog box is correct.  The new behavior is:

If number of copies is 1,
collate option is unchecked and shaded because collate is not possible, and
collate icon is removed whether it was set to collate or not collate.

else if number of copies > 2,
collate option is unchecked but not shaded, and
no_collate icon is displayed.

There is only one change that im not sure should go in or not, and
that is when the collate option is checked and we drop the number of
copies to one, should we uncheck the collate option as well as shade

On my windows 2000 box, the collate option comes up checked and grayed as default, and the collate icon does not change as the number of copies is changed. The collate checkbox is grayed and ungrayed as the number of copies changes to and from 1, but the checked status remains whatever I set it to.