Well you don't have Direct rendering... if you dont have support from the ATI OSS drivers ( if you use ATi) then you should download the ATI or nvidia proprietary drivers. Should be in your Distros Repos, or you can set them up yourself from their sties.

On 2/13/07, gaosheng <gs@crosslight.com.cn> wrote:
   I want to use opengl with wine.

//----Here is my glxinfo.

server glx vendor string:SGI
server glx version string:1.2

client glx vendor string:SGI
client glx version string:1.2

OpengGL vendor string:Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org
OpengGL renderer string:Mesa GLX Indirect
OpengGL version string:1.3 Mesa 4.0.4

   I can't init opengl. when ChoosePixel(), it failed.
Can you tell me the reason.

Best regards
                    gao sheng
