Hi Nikolay,
2013/9/13 Nikolay Sivov <bunglehead@gmail.com>
> Does it actually accept any other value besides CP_ACP or 1200? Documentation is unclear here, and makes impression that only two these values are valid.

Did you mean EM_SETTEXTEX?
I had some tests today. And I found native EM_SETTEXTEX can accept almost all the codepage[0].
But when we use a "wrong"(such as 1201) codepage to open a ISO-8859 text it will deal it with codepage 28591.

It is sure that EM_SETTEXTEX can appect CP_ACP, 1200 and CP_UTF8. CP_UTF8 was used to open a
UTF8 text which without BOM. I aslo tested this with native riched20.dll.

So I think let ME_ToUnicode can accept all the codepage is a good way to add a UTF8 support for

I appreciate for any comment. :-)

[0] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd317756(v=vs.85).aspx
Jactry Zeng