On Sep 6, 2013, at 5:01 PM, Juan Lang wrote:
So much for that theory.
I tried twice to replace the CONSTRUCTOR | CONTEXT tag with the generic CONSTRUCTOR | SET tag (jobs 2057 and 2058 on newtestbot). Both times, Crypto bailed out. I don't think Windows will accept a CONSTRUCTOR | SET tag there under any circumstances. I think we're seriously screwing up somewhere reading the code signature. Trouble is, I don't know where, or if this is even a problem in Wine at all--it might be peculiar to my system. (The other Wine users who reported being unable to run the Star Citizen Launcher because of this were missing a root CA.)
I don't know why, but strangely, the problem with the Launcher that prompted my patch seems to have gone away (at least, on my system) with the update they just released. Maybe it's related to the problems a few people were having with this on Windows. Maybe the signature really was malformed.