De: Tony Wasserka <>
Objet: Re: BOOL WINAPI versus BOOL in d3dx9 and d3dx8
Date: Dimanche 1 Février 2009, 14h45
> Hi,
> the declaration of IntersectionTri is
> BOOL IntersectionTri(.....) in d3dx8mesh.h and BOOL WINAPI?
IntersectionTri(.....) in d3dx9mesh.h .
> Is the latter one compatible with the former one (so I can forward d3dx9
function to the d3dx8 one)
> or must I implement them separately?
> David
It's already forwarded in d3dx9_36.spec to d3dx8, so you don't
need to
implement it twice.
I was pretty careful when creating that specfile, i.e. it's in 99% safe to
trust it ;)
As a rule of thumb, every d3dx9 function which has no device (or any other D3D9
specific interface) parameter
and has the exact same parameter list can safely be forwarded to d3dx8.
However, are you sure it's only BOOL in d3dx8? AFAIK, dll functions always
have to be WINAPI,
as the calling convention gets screwed up otherwise...
Best regards, Tony
Yes, in the directx8 sdk the prototype is BOOL, not BOOL WINAPI.