On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 5:26 AM, Roderick Colenbrander <thunderbird2k@gmail.com> wrote:
For the past few days I have been looking at MIME handling in Wine. A
program I'm using uses CreateProcess to launch a pdf file and I would
like to use the default native pdf viewer.

I think it would be useful to have two different checkbox option in winecfg that ask:

1.  "Always open files with native application if available?"
2.  "Ask me whether to open with file formats with a native application or my Windows application?"

(Optionally, saying "No" to #1 could imply #2.  However, I think it might be clearer to explicitly have it as an option.)

For instance, in the case of PDF's, say you have a great native viewer available and you want to use that viewer to view all PDF's.  However, you also have Adobe Acrobat installed under Wine (hypothetical, I have no idea if that app works) and that's what you like to use for editing.  You probably want to use the viewer most of the time, but every once in a while you'd probably like to be prompted to use Acrobat so you can edit the PDF.

What would also be slick is to have the Windows Explorer "Open With..." functionality provide a list of native apps as well. 
