This is the relevant part of the documentation. So
presumably you can do MONO_ENV_OPTIONS="--profile" and
MONO_ENV_OPTIONS="--profile=stuff" , I believe.
Loads a profiler module with the given arguments. For more
information, see the PROFILING section. This option can be used
multiple times; each time will load an
additional profiler module.
This environment variable allows you to pass command line
arguments to a Mono process through the environment. This is
useful for example to force all of your
Mono processes to use LLVM or SGEN without having to modify any
launch scripts.
The WINE_MONO_* variables are just the ones we've
added. Other MONO_* variables should generally work
the same as in regular Mono. I haven't worked with
Mono's profiling tools so I can't give any further
Hmm, I think
wine-mono has been working in 64-bit mode for
a while - although you have to invoke wine
explicitly as wine64 to hook into it . I think
there are some quirks about how wine and
wine-mono interacts, in such a way that you
cannot do 32-bit + 64-bit switches within the
process - i.e. you must do 64-bit wine to get
at 64-bit wine-mono.
Do you notice any performance difference
between using wine-mono and dotnet472 64-bit ?
I am going back to wine-mono for your issue,
as mono supports setting profiling option via
environment variables (catering for exactly
this use case, when mono is running embedded
inside another process), and you can set
WINE_MONO_* variables to pass those along. I
am not sure about the exact details so you'll
need to look up the relevant docs, but I know
this is possible - mono has a built-in
profiler, and it is accessible and turned on
via environment variables.
On Tue, 25/6/19, Chambers, Matthew <>
The application requires
dotnet472 and 64-bit at that. I actually had
to add that
verb to winetricks to get our application to
work. I'm
definitely getting varying mileage! My
question is how to profile it with Windows
symbols so I can
understand why and either help fix it in
Wine or possibly avoid the problem from my
application code.