My name is Hamza Nouri,23 years old. I'm in my second year of computer science engineering at Esprit,Tunis,Tunisia. I'm also Candidate for “Informatique et mathématiques Appliqués à la finance et aux assurances” (I.M.A.F.A) – a one year specialized postgraduate degree in computer science and mathematics applied  to finance and insurances.

I've took a look at Wine and found the project very promising. and i'm excited to partipate  in coding for Wine and giving a help to Wine Users around the world.

Regarding my technical skills, i have an experience in c/c++, java ,php,mysql and HTML5. i've done some projects using these languages that you can find in my personnal blog (http://tunisiansimpson.blogspot.com/).

Here an example of Kakuro game made with language C that i've made last year : http://tunisiansimpson.blogspot.com/2012/12/kakuro.html

I'm interested in the project "Tools - Winetest Graphical User Interface".
I've already installed Wine and i'm starting using it. 

I have no prior experience in Open Source development, and i found this a good opportunity to begin coding for the good wealth of the international community.

About my availability at the summer, i'll be free starting from the 9th June.

I'll be pleased if you can provide me more details about the "Tools - Winetest Graphical User Interface" project and advice me with the better ways to succed my proposal.

Hamza nouri
best regards.

Email address : hamza.nouri@esprit.tn
CV : docs.google.com/a/esprit.tn/file/d/0B9vfb3FMh7gDU2JrRUQ2aF9PZGM/edit
CV : twitter.com/tunisiansimpson
Blog : tunisiansimpson.blogspot.com/
Facebook : www.facebook.com/nourihamza89