I've been looking into Window 10's WSL2 (Window Subsystem for Linux 2), which is an upgrade from WSL. It has its own Linux kernel with full system call compatibility. I believe the prior version was a reduced set. I watched a lecture on it, and was impressed with the way you can move from Linux to Windows instantaneously. It takes about one or two seconds for WSL2 to activate, and then you can transition between Windows and Linux OSs smooth as glass.
I tried to determine what limits exist, and one I thing might be performance on the graphics level, but they say they are working to improve this with later versions.
I thought I'd mention this as a possible test environment to work on Wine. I don't know if anyone here is using this set up, but it looks promising. I was going to install this, but learned it has compatibility issues with VirtualBox due to the hypervisor (I use VirtualBox for Linux). MS knows about this and said they are working with Oracle and other venders on this problem. Also, I was trying to find a way to install Linux on WSL2 to my non-system drive to save space, and that looked like a non-trivial issue. It's not in the default set up.
Here is the talk I heard for those interested:
...John Alway