"Dan Kegel" <dank@kegel.com> wrote:
It's not enough to provide Wine and throw up our hands
saying "It's up to users to protect their systems"
because our users are at worst quite literally clueless,
and at best too busy to want to bother with virus issues.
If we can guide them or ease their way, we should.
 and earlier:
1) at the top of our documentation, we can say

 "Warning: Wine can run Windows viruses and malware.
  Always practice safe computing -
  never run anything from somebody you don't trust,
  and never run any Windows app you haven't scanned
  for viruses."
I agree.

Dmitry Timoshkov wrote:
Probably yes, we could extend the FAQ section about security, but that's almost everything we can do.
That's all I'm asking. Maybe a small Security section of the FAQ.