0110:err:virtual:virtual_setup_exception stack overflow 2128 bytes in thread 0110 addr 0x17008c804 stack 0x207b0 (0x20000-0x21000-0x120000)
I see this error every once in a while and most of the time it doesn'tseem to affect the working of the program. Does it affect the workingof your program in this particular case?
If I remove the "std::unordered_map<int, std::string> y" from the custom lib it runs normally.
I suspect that wine uses too much of the stack to construct the object, but it's just a wild guess.
The most likely cause here is that something causes an invalid memory access, and the exception handler causes an invalid memory access, then another and another until the stack is full.
Try to run your test program in a debugger to catch the first chance exception. My guess is that we have some bug in our unordered_map implementation.