On Jan 21, 2016 9:41 AM, "Sebastian Lackner" <sebastian@fds-team.de> wrote:
> ...
> In this case it shouldn't matter (as far as I know NtOpenFile isn't intercepted
> by the Chromium Sandbox), however when thinking more carefully about it, heap
> functions could indeed be problematic. What we theoretically need is two sets of
> them, user mode calls are supposed to go through NtAllocateVirtualMemory, but
> kernel mode calls not. I'll do some more testing myself, so far I haven't found out
> which thunks exactly introduce the randomness in the Chromium sandboxing code.
> ...
Maybe this is being overly simplistic, but we do have both Zw* and Nt* entry points. It could make sense to use Zw* internally and route all the external calls through the thunks (Nt*).