Hi , a few weeks ago posted something about if liberation fonts could be included in wine. There didn't seem to be one view of how to do that. Of course 'winetricks liberation' is great, but i'd like to see something that works out of the box on a fresh .wine. Attached is a patch, that generates Arial.ttf from liberation font (just like winetricks) but this is an attempt to get it included in wine's source. To summarize, i added a file arial.ttf2sfd that changes a liberation font into "arial.sfd", change appropriate family/font name, and then generate the arial.ttf. All is done by fonforge.
Of course this patch lacks checking for presence of liberation, and has ugly hard-coded path for the liberation-font, but that could be worked on later on.
Simple question: Could something like this be included in the source, otherwise i'm not gonna spend any time improving it. Any hints welcomed.
Regards, louis