Out of complete curiosity, what kind of problem caused only some people to slow down, while me, on dial-up sped right along? Lol.

On 2/16/07, Jeremy Newman <jnewman@codeweavers.com> wrote:
I made some tweaks to the server on Wednesday. Hopefully everything is
running fine now.

Let me know if it is still running slow.

On Wed, 2007-02-14 at 16:35 -0600, John Smith wrote:
> Humm very strange it works well for me,
> I just tested it myself, seems reasonably fast in firefox on
> windows 2000, on gentoo x86 with firefox , and on gentoo amd64
> firefox
> I added, then removed, then edited a test result.  Speed seemed
> normal.
> Hope this helps the investigation.
> Regards,
> John Klehm
> On 2/14/07, Louis Lenders <xerox_xerox2000@yahoo.co.uk > wrote:
>         Bryan Haskins <kingofallhearts999 <at> gmail.com> writes:
>         >
>         >
>         > I was just replying, and reading now, no slow down at all.
>         It loads a little
>         slow running through all that text, but no where near the
>         minutes everyone says
>         it takes them, even on dialup.
>         >
>         For your info, Appdb, is complete unusable for me ...  Loading
>         a page,  or
>         adding a test result  to an application takes several minutes.
>         Please fix, as
>         this is really annoying :(
