On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 2:55 PM, Joel Holdsworth <joel@airwebreathe.org.uk> wrote:

> floppy.ico - The replacement icon for this was a very bad choice. I
> know that currently GNOME does this anyway, but it is a really bad
> choice. It should represent a floppy DRIVE, not a floppy DISK.

This is from the tango base. I'm not sure anyone would be confused. In
fact it's much harder to show an FD drive clearly.

The problem is that a floppy disk is used quite a lot to represent "Save File." While it isn't normally used in Tango that way, several GNOME and wxWidgets applications do that. And all Windows apps that do not rely on common controls do too.

Here is an example of a floppy drive icon: http://www.iconspedia.com/icon/floppy-drive-178-.html

You could use the CD drive icon from Tango and replace the CD part with half of a floppy disk image.
> mycomputer.ico - Why is the 32x32 icon have a purple display instead
> of a blue one like the smaller sized ones? Fix that for consistency.
> Also I attached a SVG with it included that has WINE in the text
> underneath the monitor instead of PONY. I couldn't figure out Inkscape
> to get the color to change though.

Good question - it's a product of Tango base. It didn't seem like a big
deal to me. I can fix it if you feel that would be a good idea.

I really do think it should be fixed. It looks somewhat awkward when the color changes like that.
> mydocs.ico - Bad icon choice. I would suggest making a whole new one
> to represent this one. "Home directory" is NOT the same as the "My
> Documents folder," despite the fact that Wine erroneously equates the
> two by default in winecfg.

Yes I've been thinking about this. The alternative would be som
ething like this:

Though this is usually taken to mean "Open Document"

I suggest you could use the emblems for Documents, Pictures, Music, and Videos along with the folder icon to make a new icon for  My Documents/Pictures/Music/Videos. I really would not recommend using the "Open Document" icon.

> shortcut.ico - the icon is oriented improperly. It needs to be
> bottom-left and oriented so the arrow points towards the center.

This is the orientation from Gnome. If you object this can be changed
easily. Do it the way Windows does it, right?

Yes, Wine replicates Windows' effects, so it should look like Windows icon styles.

> oic_hand.ico - That sign is fine, but I was nitpicky and modified the
> SVG to match the original one.

It's a good idea - again this is inherited from the Tango base set. The
set seems ok to me.

An (X) is a bit more recognizable than a (-).

> oic_note.ico - The icon is somewhat ambiguous, compared to the
> original.

Again inherited from the Tango base set.

Doesn't mean it can't be replaced. I'm guessing it just needs to follow Tango style. You could use the question mark icon and modify it to show an "i" for information. Or use an icon to symbolize a "note."