>As I mentioned before this requires a test case.
As i tried to explain , in a simple test glGetString just return null, it will not crash for me, like it does in the program.
>I remember from the gl log that the program didn't create a WGL context at all. It isn't allowed >to make opengl calls because of that
Allowed or not, the program does so, and on windows it installs just fine.
>Perhaps without a context (if Windows allows it) you get some GDI software renderer string >back or so.
It just returns (null)
>Anyway at this point it sounds like a workaround instead of a fix for the real bug.
Well, the bug might be outside wine, so then it would be workaround, yes, but still necessary IMO.
I cannot see how i can make a
testcase based on the output of autocad here:
http://bugs.winehq.org/attachment.cgi?id=14005 ,
other then i did already. It's just an endless sequence of 'wglGetIntegerv','wglFinish', and 'wglFlush', and then a crash in glGetString. I cannot make a test program crash like that; the test program just returns null, like i said before
A last stupid question for stefan: how can i make X load the mesa driver, instead of my nvidia?