About a month ago CCP announced support for running EVE Online on Mac using Wine (https://forums.eveonline.com/default.aspx?g=posts&m=6380823#post6380823)
I am the primary developer on this project, and wanted to express my gratitude to the Wine community for making this possible. This experiment is going well – there have been some issues with getting Wine to run on all the different OS
X versions and different hardware configurations out there, but that has largely been resolved (I think) with proper configuration of the build machine producing the Wine build.
My plan is to proactively hunt down and fix any issues our Mac players run into, whether the fix entails digging into Wine source or our own codebase. Ideally everything we do in EVE should just work under Wine, but sometimes a workaround
in our code may be easier than hunting down why Wine behaves different from Windows, but being able to debug both sides makes finding workarounds easier. Any fixes I come up with I will contribute to Wine, of course – it remains to be seen if they end up being
very EVE specific, as EVE will of course be my main focus.
My plan is also to document my experience along the way at
http://ccpsnorlax.blogspot.is/ - if you find this interesting, please leave comments there.
I hope that my initiative with this project meets with your approval, and look forward to working with the Wine codebase and you, the Wine developers in the future.
Snorri Sturluson,
Software Architect,
CCP Games
@CCP_Snorlax - http://ccpsnorlax.blogspot.is/