On Wed, Jul 10, 2019, 03:25 Mgr. Janusz Chmiel <janusz.chmiel@volny.cz> wrote:
Please, does WINE latest development version contain SAPI 4 or SAPi5
build in support? Or I must install MIcrosoft speech SDK? I AM
wondering, how complex would be for you to develop SAPi4 or SAPi5
functions from scratch, so their names and returned values would be same
like from Microsoft, but code will be yours.
Because Wine is in fact complex emulator, which try to do its best to
emulate API functions from Microsoft but code is yours.
Because development of speech engine from scratch is not easy.

Wine doesn't have support for it. Fwiw, winetricks has 5.1 in 'winetricks speechsdk'  

Of course, patches are welcome in wine.