After reading winedump/README, I am still confused about how to generate a wine dll since there's no example described.
Originally I followed the example described by "spec mode: Generating stub DLLs", later I found what I need is to "reimplement a Win32 DLL for Unix", I am wondering whether anyone can give a detailed sample to show how to do that...
Now I have 'pingdll.dll'(generated by MS visual studio), and source code 'pingdll.h','pingdll.c'...
So my final goal is to generate a wine dll - pingdll.dll.so taking place of native dll(ping.dll) completly which can be called when I run:( I also need to change the wine's config to anounce 'Dlloveride: "pingdll" = "builtin,native")
% wine ./ping.exe
In such a way, I can implement some functionality through linux shared library without the restriction of WINE spave if using native dll under WINE).
Could you please help me out of this?
Thanks a lot.

Steven Edwards <steven_ed4153@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Now I am trying to use winemaker to build a winelib dll from windows source code,
> Could anyone give some instructions about the implementation details? Or any useful info and
> samples there?

It seems to me the easy way to build a WINElib dll ATM is not to use Winemaker but to use winedump
to create the spec and add the dll to wine/dlls/newdllname.


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