> You mean, like the point where about 15 wine hackers all crowded into
> the same elevator and hoped that noone from MS sabotaged it? I mean,
> when people say that "you cannot kill an open source project", I don't
>  think they mean "set up a conference, and then sabotage the elevator
> when everyone crowds in".

I bet we would have gotten a lot of press from it though.

> Speaking of memorable moments - One of Dimi, Michael (Stefaniuc), Marcus
> or Brian had a camera, and we took a picture in front of the Ice palace.
> Can that someone please step forward and send me the pic?

Guess I needed a little motivation to put together my pictures.

Here's what I took @ WineConf:

As far as the movie editing goes:

 - There were some funny comments when Alexandre was talking
   about NPTL support in his presentation.

 - Something from Dimi's 0.9 list would be nice

 - Graphical stuff is always nice to look at.  So Gav's demo
   of Alice, Lionel's of 3DMark2000, and the ReactOS demos
   would probably fit in there well.

Brian Vincent
Copper Mountain Telecom