On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 4:33 PM, Francois Gouget <fgouget@free.fr> wrote:
Surprisingly enough (for me) the existing translations match the term
used in Microsoft's Terminology file:
"broadcast address" -> "adresse de diffusion"
"broadcast" -> "diffusion"
"multicast" -> "multidiffusion"
"unicast" -> "monodiffusion"
But I still don't think they're good translations. I find 'diffusion'
way too general and vague. Reading it I would certainly not make the
link with broadcast, even in the domain of networking. Similarly I don't
think 'monodiffusion' would be readily understood.
So I'm more enclined to follow Wikipedia which uses the untranslated
terms as the title of their French articles:
Well they're just untranslated... you said it
The "grand dictionnaire terminologique"
(http://gdt.oqlf.gouv.qc.ca/Resultat.aspx) gives
broadcast -> diffusion (générale)
multicast -> multidiffusion / diffusion groupée (beurk)
monocast -> envoi individuel
http://glossaire.traduc.org/ (used for manpages/howtos) gives
broadcast -> diffusion
multicast -> multidiffusion
unicast -> unicast
BTW to broadcast = diffuser
I may agree with unicast but the "diffusion" and "multidiffusion" seem OK to me
And that's why some french people (including me) prefer taking their
networking (Cisco and the like) exam in english rather than in their
native language : sentences look Google-translated and their meaning
is unclear until you "think" in english.