On Thursday 26 June 2008 13:25:15 Nikolay Sivov wrote:

> Przemysław Białek wrote:

> > Hi!

> >

> > I sent a patch last Friday to the wine-patches list. I think that I

> > fulfill the rules that I read on winehq website. Patch is simple

> > implementation of function GdipDrawEllipse, and is based on existing

> > function GdipFillEllipse. This is my first patch to the Wine project. I

> > don't have deeper Wine, and Windows knowledge, so I ask, what else I must

> > do, to get this patch accepted.

> >

> > The link to the mail is below:

> > http://www.winehq.org/pipermail/wine-patches/2008-June/056223.html


> Hi, the only question for me is why don't you select NULL_BRUSH from GDI

> stock to draw

> exactly only an outline?

It's because I don't know about windows and Wine to much. You mean that I must add the following line (after the prepare_dc, function)?

SelectObject(graphics->hdc, GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH));

If You confirm that this is OK, then I send the updated patch to wine-patches.


Best Regards

Przemysław Białek