The patch is OK, this mail is just an answer to Henri's comment.

2011/12/8 Henri Verbeet <>
+static BOOL color_in_range(const struct wined3d_color_key *color_key, DWORD color)
+    /* FIXME: Is this really how color keys are supposed to work? I think it
+     * makes more sense to compare the individual channels. */
+    return color >= color_key->color_space_low_value
+            && color <= color_key->color_space_high_value;
 I tried to test this a while ago, but no GPU supported range color keys for blitting, and the HEL doesn't support that either.

At least one of my GPUs seems to support this for YUV overlays(DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYCLRSPACEYUV), but not RGB overlays or YUV blits. That could satisfy our curiosity, but an automated test is not possible.