macos low macos high linux low linux high 1 407 135 207 91 2 265 108 264 182 3 468 212 285 125 4 5 429 166 309 97 6 525 201 409 92 7 169 118 238 72 8 242 148 156 96 9 260 91 192 78 10 211 76 178 66 11 248 102 96 84 low: 640x480 high: 1380x850 2: wavy face 3: mountain face 4: OpenGL logo explosion 5: first tunnel 6: another tunnel with futuristic flying objects 7: glass cubes 8: water, moon and sun 9: waterfall 10: lasers 11: Final scene with credits Runs with winelib: macos low macos high linux low linux high 1 390 134 161 122 2 115 115 138 138 3 313 167 237 119 4 5 311 162 239 85 6 417 200 375 95 7 93 93 235 94 8 119 118 155 142 9 259 92 196 77 10 206 73 172 65 11 147 103 79