On Jun 21, 2015 2:58 AM, "Kyle Auble" <kyle.auble@zoho.com> wrote:
> In the end though, beyond just adding more comments to the bottom of
> the page, I couldn't figure out how anyone earns the rights necessary
> to fix tags or recategorize bugs. I even tried emailing the Bugzilla
> admin to ask but never heard back. Honestly, beyond some of the
> developers and site admins, whom I assume have elevated rights across
> WineHQ, I still don't know who processes the bug reports.

There are several people  (myself, Focht, Bruno, Bela, Nikolay, etc.).

I didn't realize there was a Bugzilla admin email alias,  I've asked Jeremy Newman to add me,  so now someone active is watching it :). For future reference though,  if in doubt, email wine-devel or ask on #winehackers.

(If you still need permission to triage,  send me an email,  though I won't have a chance to do so for a few days, currently traveling.)
