+1. That's great news :D
It would be a great silver lining if the bandwidth does get over once we start providing binary packages ;)


On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 2:32 AM, Austin English <austinenglish@gmail.com> wrote:
On Mon, Sep 28, 2015 at 3:58 PM, Jeremy White <jwhite@codeweavers.com> wrote:
>>> As an update, I did email the Conservancy.  They've gotten this same
>> question from a number of member projects, and are doing some
>> research/thinking about this.
>>> So it's not forgotten, but in progress.
> Just in case folks have missed it, we are getting sponsorship from
> Fastly.  Jeremy Newman is working out the details now.
> It's not clear how much bandwidth we'll need vs how much they are
> donating.  It looks like we'll be getting at least 8.5 TB/month, which
> should be enough to cover the move away from Sourceforge.
> But we were also hoping to provide binary downloads; we may need to do
> some wiggling to cover that as well.  Of course, that depends on how
> much demand there is for the binary downloads; if the demand is modest,
> it won't be an issue.
> Cheers,
> Jeremy

Huzzah! Thanks Jeremy.
