Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Carlos Vega and I am an IT student from Canary Islands. I am emailing in reference to an idea that I have for Wine that I would like to do with GSOC.


For at least a week I’ve been looking how does Wine works. First, I have to say that it has been done an incredible job. When I was using it, I thought that it would be great to have a place to focus the main utilities of Wine.

This could be like a “Start Menu” where you can access to: the explorer, configurations, online help, cmd, installed apps (if it is possible); without needing to use the terminal. ¿Why? Because in my opinion this could be make Wine more easy to use for non-experts users in computers and more friendly for a touch environment.

If I get selected to work in this organization, I would like to do this and update explorer.exe. I think that is a great opportunity for trying de experience of being part of an open source project and working in a project that I could use a lot in my time.


You will see my more information about me with my proposal. However, don´t be afraid, I am able to do what I said. I have previously work on some windows coding projects and I’m always trying to learn more about coding, so it won’t be a problem to be up-to-date.


If you think this could be a great idea for Wine, please let me know.

Thank you for your attention.


Best Regards,

Carlos Vega