tested system: windows 2000 server build 2195 pc tested: AMD Athon XP 1600, 256 ram first copied all dll to the windows dir. and booted. win2k dies durning the winlogon. somewhere... restored: * urlmon.dll * oleaut32.dll * odbc32.dll * oledlg.dll * olepro32.dll * winnls.dll windows died again. restored: wintrust.dll, comcat.dll, crtdll.dll result : windows died restored: tapi32.dll result: windows died restored: dciman32.dll, dinput.dll result: windows died restored: imm32.dll result: windows died restored: mapi32.dll result: windows died restored: dplayx.dll, mpr.dll result: windows died restored: netapi.dll result: windows showed a dialog saying that libwine*.dll was not found. copied: libwine.dll, libwine_tsx11.dll, libwine_unicode.dll. result: winlogon.exe reports: msgina.dll could not be loaded, a restart button is found, so I press it... restored: comctl32.dll result: * the same dialog openes * mstask.exe, says it cannt find the procedure: PathFintExtensionW(), at shlwapi.dll * dns.exe, says ir cannt find the procedure: DwEnumEntryDetails(), at rasapi32.dll restored: shlwapi.dll, rasapi32.dll result: after gzilion years (two minutes?) windows loaded, no error reported I logged in as administrator, explorer did not load. I press alt-ctrl-del to bring the sequrity dialog. I choosed to run the task manager. I choose File/New task, and a dialog saying that ordinal 135 was not found in shdocvm.dll, pressed OK. I runned again explorer. It did not load. I run windows commander, (the browse command worked fine). Windows commander load ok. Run from the task manager notepad, loads OK, and wrote this :) put wine dll: comctl32.dll result: winlogon.exe reports: msgina.dll could not be loaded, a restart button. restored comctl32.dll and run a few programs. windows commander runs. notepad runs winamp runs several programs from the systemroot run, and thease gave me errors. systomroot\setup.exe : procedure entry not found: CheckSumMappedFile()@imagehelp.dll systomroot\sigverif.exe: procedure entry not found: ImageAddCertificate()@imagehelp.dll systomroot\ntbooks.exe : the instruction at "0x64d2b8c6" referenced at "0x0000" could not be "read".. ok, cancel to debug... (the window title says hh.exe) procedure entry not found: ImageAddCertificate()@imagehelp.dll systomroot\rundll32.exe: procedure entry not found: ImageDirectoryEntryToData()@imagehelp.dll