On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 9:02 AM, Roderick Colenbrander
<thunderbird2k@gmail.com> wrote:
As of XP themes can specify their own icons. For some dlls I believe
shell32 they need to provide their own shellapi.dll or whatever it is
called. I think that would be the way to proceed. I would suggest to
make Tango the base theme as it integrates well with KDE/Gnome and
also OSX. Using themes (some of the infrastructure for it is missing
though) you would be able to override the Tango icons.
Normally under Windows, it is possible to totally replace the icons for almost everything through the File types and associations dialog. You can even change the icon of a file folder. I don't think most people are aware that Windows can have all of its icons dynamically remapped by design.