I still have the same problem today
And I use Linux. Not a mac.
I have a very slow connection here (128kb/s) (French polynesia :D). Could it be the culprit?

D. Adam

dadam@analyst:~$ export http_proxy=”http://proxy.upf.pf:8080″
dadam@analyst:~$ git clone http://source.winehq.org/git/wine.git ~/wine
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/dadam/wine/.git/            
Getting alternates list for http://source.winehq.org/git/wine.git     
Getting pack list for http://source.winehq.org/git/wine.git           
Getting index for pack 0ece042377e5e1fe77ac71b065cf360c0244774e       
Getting index for pack 72c84da3f0d9b4fd0dad04f1ce7244dadce37a43       
Getting index for pack 6c18f6d3a2d8e85a33e7981ead83b64e4c36bc8c       
Getting index for pack 7c2ab792c6e1c8f603b784f9dcb81f56f03bbf75       
Getting pack 7c2ab792c6e1c8f603b784f9dcb81f56f03bbf75                 
 which contains 7f5b24ed9186d457acd7803a97d4171f332c5fb2              
walk 7f5b24ed9186d457acd7803a97d4171f332c5fb2                         
Getting pack 0ece042377e5e1fe77ac71b065cf360c0244774e                 
 which contains 30815a50ed6a1b7ede26a1f0685bf687bf56e0ed              
error: Unable to get pack file http://source.winehq.org/git/wine.git/objects/pack/pack-0ece042377e5e1fe77ac71b065cf360c0244774e.pack                                                                                                     
transfer closed with 110180858 bytes remaining to read                                                              
error: Unable to find 30815a50ed6a1b7ede26a1f0685bf687bf56e0ed under http://source.winehq.org/git/wine.git          
Cannot obtain needed object 30815a50ed6a1b7ede26a1f0685bf687bf56e0ed                                                
while processing commit 7f5b24ed9186d457acd7803a97d4171f332c5fb2.

--- En date de : Jeu 19.11.09, Juan Lang <juan.lang@gmail.com> a écrit :

De: Juan Lang <juan.lang@gmail.com>
Objet: Re: Problem to download git
À: "paulo lesgaz" <jeremielapuree@yahoo.fr>
Cc: "wine" <wine-devel@winehq.org>
Date: Jeudi 19 Novembre 2009, 5h16

> error: Unable to get pack file http://source.winehq.org/git/wine.git/objects/pack/pack-7c2ab792c6e1c8f603b784f9dcb81f56f03bbf75.pack

Is this on a Mac, by any chance?  I had similar problems using
MacPorts's git with a proxy server.  I also had Linux running in a VM
on that machine, and fetching from the Linux VM always succeeded.  The
odd thing is, fetching from Linux also fixed the MacPorts git fetch
for me, at least until the next day's update.

If this isn't on a Mac, I don't know what to tell you.