On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 1:15 PM, Shubham kumar <shubhambtps@live.in> wrote:
I ran winetest.exe on my pc and it generated a output file  resDD89.tmp. How can i view this report? On which website i have to upload this file to generate the log? 

Thank you

You should be able to look at it in any text editor.

See winetest's usage page:
austin@debian-home:~$ ./wine-git/wine winetest /h
Usage: winetest [OPTION]... [TESTS]

 --help    print this message and exit
 --version print the build version and exit
 -c        console mode, no GUI
 -d DIR    Use DIR as temp directory (default: %TEMP%\wct)
 -e        preserve the environment
 -h        print this message and exit
 -i INFO   an optional description of the test platform
 -m MAIL   an email address to enable developers to contact you
 -n        exclude the specified tests
 -p        shutdown when the tests are done
 -q        quiet mode, no output at all
 -o FILE   put report into FILE, do not submit
 -s FILE   submit FILE, do not run tests
 -t TAG    include TAG of characters [-.0-9a-zA-Z] in the report
 -u URL    include TestBot URL in the report
 -x DIR    Extract tests to DIR (default: .\wct) and exit

E.g., to submit it after running:
./wine winetest -c -s resDD89.tmp

Results are viewable at https://test.winehq.org/data