Nikolay Sivov <> wrote:
> > > > + hr = IADsOpenDSObject_OpenDSObject(adsopen,
> > (BSTR)path, (BSTR)user, (BSTR)password, reserved, &disp);
> > > > + if (hr == S_OK)
> > > You cannot cast to a BSTR, it will corrupt the data structure.
> >
> > I depends wheather the callee uses SysStringLen() and friends, in this
> > particular case it works just fine, there are many other places in the code
> > when it's not necessary to create intermediate copies of the strings.
> >
> It does not matter if it works in this case, arguments should use correct
> types. If we have similar violations somewhere else, those need fixing as
> well.
That's a pretty incorrect assertion, there's nothing wrong in casting
BSTR to LPWSTR and vice versa.
What's incorrect about it? You can use BSTR as WCHAR * argument, obviously. Not the other way around, even if it happens to work.