Im developing an aplicaction to control an scanner via USB and im following the steps to comunicate with a hid (human device interface), at first im trying to get the GUID of my device, but somethig strange happens, i always get the GUID
4D1E55B2-F16F-11CF-88 CB 00 11 11 00 00 30 for my device, no matter if a dont have any devices atached or many devices atached, so i try to find that GUID on the REGEDIT, but there is not such a GUID on my registry, i tried on other computers but the result was the same, but in other PC`s i foud that GUID, but it seems to belong to a mouse, so i wuld like to to know why, i am reciving the SAME GUID all the time?
to do this im using SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail function.
by the way ¿Why the SO generates the same GUIDs, if it has 128bit combination to do this?

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