On Fri, Feb 11, 2022, 2:50 AM Rémi Bernon <rbernon@codeweavers.com> wrote:On 2/10/22 18:43, Rémi Bernon wrote:
> On 2/10/22 18:36, Jin-oh Kang wrote:
>> We still support GCC 4.x (an in-support RHEL/CentOS release uses it),
>> so I
>> think we still need some wrappers around it. That and the GCC bug.
> The __sync intrinsices seems to have be there since GCC 4.2, then
> deprecated when __atomic where introduced in GCC 4.7. What's that bug?
Nvm I missed that part of the first patch.https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=81316 says the bug only affects the __ATOMIC_RELEASE case, but it affects __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST too on ARM64: https://godbolt.org/z/aTaaYaoGK
Rémi Bernon <rbernon@codeweavers.com>